See Which Videos You Have Recently Watched On Facebook | How To See Your Video Watch History On Facebook?

If you are searching for "how can I see my recently watched videos on Facebook" then you have come to the right place. In this article you are going to learn step by step process on how to find your recently watched videos on Facebook.

How to find recently watched videos on Facebook?

How to see which videos you have watched on Facebook?

Find recently watched videos on Facebook: Learn how to see your video history on Facebook. You can view and delete your video watch history on Facebook from activity log settings.

No doubt that Facebook is one of the top social media platforms worldwide. From chatting & sharing posts to monetizing your content, Facebook covered it all.

Searching for your recently watched video history on Facebook is not a rocket science. You can simply do it with few clicks.

When you open your Facebook account the first thing you notice is your news feed and you will find lots of entertaining content on your timeline.

It was Sunday morning. I was laying on my bed and opened Facebook. I saw an awesome video in my news feed and this video is about a toddler who is praying to God in name of Jesus Christ. I opened it and started watching the video. Somehow, in between I accidentally closed Facebook app.

I reopened Facebook app and now I can't find the earlier video that i was watching and I don't remember who shared it with me.

I thought I should have liked, shared or commented on that video so that it would show up in my activity log. I really really want to watch that video completely no matter what.

After a few research on Facebook help community i found out pretty useful information which i would like to share it with you guys.

Actually there is a way to find out which videos you have watched on Facebook. 

Sometimes it happens that you are watching an important video on Facebook and you have closed the video accidentally or you have refreshed the page or you are in a hurry and have to logout of Facebook. 

After a while when you reopened Facebook and want to watch that important video again you may not be able to find it back on your news feed.

Then you start to search it in the search box and the chances of finding that particular video is very less. You will be wasting lot of your valuable time finding that particular video. Instead you can try this simple steps to find recently watched videos like magic.

If at least a video is played for a few seconds, it will be saved privately to your video history log on Facebook.

When you access your activity log on Facebook you can see all the activity that you have done on Facebook.

Finding out your recently watched videos is very easy. 

I will show you the process of finding your recently watched videos on Facebook with Screenshots.(Updated interface of Facebook).

There are many outdated methods on the internet. But don't worry I am aware of the updated version of Facebook and I have taken screen shots keeping in mind of the updated version of Facebook in 2021.

How to find recently watched videos on Facebook?

It is very easy to find which video you have recently watched on Facebook. Here is the Step by step process to find Facebook video history on web and mobile app.

Step 1: Open Facebook and Log in to your account.

Step 2: Now click on your Account(profile picture) at the top right corner.

Step 3: Click on Settings & Privacy.

click on settings and privacy to view Facebook video watch history

Step 4: Click on Activity Log.

Click on activity log to view video history on Facebook

Step 5: Click on Filter.

Click on filter to filter watched videos on Facebook

Step 6:  Now in the categories, scroll down and select Videos You've Watched, and click on Save Changes.

Videos you have watched on Facebook

Step 7: Now under "Videos you've watched", you can view all the videos you have watched recently on Facebook.

Recently Watched On Facebook

In this way you can find recently watched Facebook videos on web.

How do I find my recently watched videos on Facebook mobile?

Finding recently watched videos on Facebook mobile is very simple. Just follow below steps. This is the updated method as per 2021.

Step 1: Open Facebook Mobile App and Log in to your account & click on Facebook Watch as shown in the screenshot.

Step 2: Click on Search icon.

how to watch recently watched videos on Facebook app?

Step 3: Click on Videos You've Watched.

re-watch watched videos on Facebook

Now all the videos you have watched will be displayed on your mobile screen.

Facebook watched video history

You can also see your recently watched video history by clicking on profile icon as shown in the screenshot.

Find recently watched videos on Facebook.

There are many methods to find your recently watched videos on Facebook. I found this method pretty simple and timesaving. 

You can also go to activity log and find recently watched videos on Facebook mobile app. But has more steps than the method I have shown on this page.

Sometimes accessing video watch history from activity log on Facebook mobile App will display the list of videos you have watched but wont play the video.

Follow this method and you can view and play recently watched videos on Facebook mobile app very easily.

In this way you can see recently watched videos, re-watch watched videos on Facebook web and mobile app.

Hope this article helped you to find watched video history on Facebook. Please do share this article with your friends and don't forget to comment below.

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